On start, the partnership pursued the advancement of the already tried, tested and trusted program on Refining & Petrochemical. The strategy, however, aims to expand the program to cover the full value chain of the Petroleum industry (from well to consumer). With some limited customization, the Refining & Petrochemical program was launched under the brand of ACT-Eng. offered by EnergyTech and its partner IFP Training. Short after, a program on Oil & Gas was fully developed and a first session was delivered on March 14, 2021 to Mar 24, 2022.


The ACT-Eng. takes pride in enforcing the highest standards of quality and effectiveness. This is achieved through focus on building the required skills and includes integrated projects that are job specific for On-the-Job Training (OJT). The full learning experience is complemented by the use of simulation where applicable. All programs of the ACT-Eng. apply the following standard format: · Each program consists of multiple modules, typically a total of 12, but not necessary the same number for all. ·

The collection of modules are rich on technical, content and include significant practical learning, introduction to business acumen and soft skills practice as well as focus on safety. Each module represents an independent classroom teaching & training course that is delivered over one (1) week (5 consecutive workdays) within a single month. Participants will spend the remining 3 weeks of the month back on their jobs being work productive but will also work on a preassigned team project. Team projects are presented prior to starting the next module and teams are assessed on their effort. Quizzes, exams, and mini projects are embedded into the program structure at the module level and are mandatory with grading system of achievements. Participants undergo interview and entry exam to confirm readiness and to establish base of reference for progress.